We are looking for an experienced architect to join our team! Essential requirements: Master’s degree in architecture, ability to manage complex projects from the conceptual phase, minimum 3 years’ experience, ability to work in a team in compliance with the assigned tasks and time schedules. Excellent autonomy in the use […]

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Construction works are proceeding fast on the site of the L-U-S school in Giessen, Germany, a project that uses an innovative solution for the construction of a prefabricated wooden structure. The elevated structure is composed of walls formed by curved X-lam panels that follow the shape of the building, which […]

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After years of neglect, the iconic ‘Paradiso’ in Rimini takes shape again! The demolition phase of the ruins kicks off. Mijic architects has developed the architectural renewal project, in collaboration with Polistudio A.E.S Società di Ingegneria Srl for the plant and structural design. […]

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Latest updates from our construction site in Groß Umstadt: the work at the New Groß-Umstadt Hospital, which started in July 2019, is progressing apace and will be completed next autumn.  The facility, which is divided into six wards with a total of around 240 beds, will be a new landmark […]

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EN On February 13th, in the Senate Hall of the Rector’s Office, we presented our design for the new unified Library of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy at Sapienza University of Rome, winner of the international competition.  Rector Antonella Polimeni, the mayor of Roma Capitale Roberto Gualtieri and the […]

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Vi auguriamo un sereno Natale e un felice anno nuovo! We wish you a peaceful Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year! Wir wünschen Ihnen frohe Festtage und ein frohes Neues Jahr ! Želimo vam srećne božićnje praznike i srećnu novu godinu! […]

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Mijic architects was commissioned by Kreiskliniken Darmstadt-Dieburg for the Project Management of the New Groß-Umstadt Hospital. The project partnership of LSK Architekten with Angela Fritsch Architekten, both from Darmstadt (Germany), together with mijic architects, incarged for the internal group coordination, aims to create a clinic that welcomes patients and visitors […]

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Mijic Architects ha organizzato un Team di Professionisti esperti che in sinergia con Consulenti fiscali e finanziari, accompagna in tutte le fasi della progettazione fino alla direzione dei lavori,  singoli proprietari, condomini e chiunque voglia accedere alle agevolazioni fiscali. E’ l’occasione giusta  per realizzare edifici di elevata qualità architettonica. Manda […]

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This morning the assembly of the calendered metal beams , which characterize the east facede of the new Box Building, began. The small waves take place and form part of the covering of the terraces on the second floor. The skeleton is almost finished and the shapes are defined, soon […]

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The New German Embassy is completed and will open its doors shortly. The design for the New German Embassy is the result of a competition won by the office Karl + Probst Architects. After that, our work on the construction site began in 2018 supervising the demolition of the existing […]

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Update from the Misano World Circuit. Work will resume in the autumn for the completion of the expansion of the Box building at the Misano World Circuit. On occasion of the San Marino and Riviera di Rimini GP will be possible to see the skeleton of our project, embellished by […]

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The northern sector of „Piazzale Kennedy“ has been completed and opened to the public on Saturday 13.07.2019. The public spaces includes the so-called “small belvedere”, one of the volumes that characterize the overall architectural intervention of Piazzale Kennedy and which aims to mitigate the landscape impact of technical constructions related […]

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On 9th of  April 2019 the Municipal Council of Misano proceeded with the adoption of the urban project of the “Motor Park” section of Santa Monica, conceived by the Mijic Architects firm, which will give the possibility to develop the Misano World Circuit “Marco Simoncelli” of Misano Adriatico. Its aim […]

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Architect Eduard Mijic will discuss the theme of “Roots or Wings? Contemporary architecture between past and future” at the Auditorium – Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “G.Lettimi” via Cairoli, 44 – Rimini, at 5 pm on Saturday 20th January. It will be an opportunity to discuss one of the main […]

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An increasingly contemporary theme in Italy is linked to the architecture of the schools. Mijic architects has participated in several competitions with the intention of providing a solution to the needs of today’s students and following the guidelines of the future schools. Collective and less rigid spaces, environments open to […]

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It’s time to party! Saturday night Mijic architects had the plasure to invite all friends and partners at the Christmas party of this year. It was a good evening to celebrate and talk, an occasion to discuss and think about the most powerful and impressive events that happened in our world last year. […]

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