2017 - 2021 | completed | Wetter (DE)
Architectural project and general planner
mijic architekten und Ingenieure Part GmbB (former LSK-Architekten Part GmbB)
Wetter (DE)
2.282 sqm
District committee of the Marburg- Biedenkopf district
2017 - 2021


The new building is oriented towards the city center. Children, teachers and visitors enter the building from the covered entrance area of the forecourt. The entrance expands into the dining and cafeteria area and leads past a single flight of stairs to the multifunctional area.
The entire care area with the food supply (cafeteria) is on the ground floor. This area is supplemented with the ‘heart’ of the overall system: an open multi-purpose area with a music room. In the south, the teacher’s room and administration are arranged as a closed functional area.
On the upper floor of the new building, the classrooms are arranged around the central atrium. Differentiation spaces can be opened up to the traffic areas via flexible room dividers, creating a variety of playable ‘multi-use zones’.
The facade forms a cladding made of light, water-painted clay bricks.



Il nuovo edificio è orientato verso il centro della città. I bambini, gli insegnanti e i visitatori entrano nell’edificio dall’area d’ingresso coperta del piazzale. L’ingresso si espande nell’area mensa e conduce, attraverso un’unica rampa di scale, all’area multifunzionale. L’intera area di assistenza con la fornitura di cibo (caffetteria) si trova al piano terra. Quest’area è completata dal “cuore” dell’edificio: un’area multifunzionale aperta con una sala musica.
A sud, la sala insegnanti e l’amministrazione sono disposte come un’area funzionale chiusa. Al piano superiore del nuovo edificio, le aule sono disposte intorno all’atrio centrale.