2019 | Milano (I)
Architectural project and general planner
mijic architects
Milano (I)
17800 mq
Comune di Milano
Design competition

The International Call launched by the Municipality of Milan for the design of the Scialoia school center in Milan aims to create a new school complex. The new center will include a nursery, primary and secondary school. Scialoia School will not only perform the didactic function but will become a place of reference for the neighborhood.

The comb structure will after that contain a “plug” with secondary functions. The peculiar shape also provides protection from the traffic noise of the adjacent road. On the opposite side find space the teaching rooms. The green, organized in bands, fits between the volumes giving unity and coherence to the intervention.

The desire to create a car free space has prompted us to favor slow mobility, strengthening cycle and pedestrian paths. This mobility will directly connect the main entrances of the different schools. For example the pedestrian square allows the direct connection between the Nursery and the Primary School. On the opposite side the cycle-pedestrian viability leads to the common access in front of the after-school spaces.

The nursery consists in 3 sections overlooking a common area with an internal garden. Primary School is the natural continuation of the Primary School in terms of composition and grow path. The nine sections, organized in groups of 3, share the refectory and the outdoor green area. Two classrooms and a laboratory form a teaching unit, as a result this arrangement along with the use of movable walls and forniture will favor innovative teaching.

Outdoor spaces will be perceived by students as outdoor classrooms and the internal flexible spaces will allow teachers to organize lessons in groups, stimulating social inclusion.

In conclusion the Scialoia School Complex in Milan with its variety of extra-curricular spaces open to citizens will become a new centre of attraction of the neighborhood.