2021 | Herzogsägmühle, Peiting (D) 


The new building of Herzogsägmühle Evangelical Care Center replaces the previous Schöneckhaus Integrative Care Home.

The position of the new building and its orientation enhance the existing sensory garden with the pedestrian walkway and make it the central connection of the individual structures of Peiting’s village.

The concept of the new building is made up of two linked rectangles, each with an internal courtyard. 

The living area of ​​the two residential groups, in the central transverse axis, is designed as the heart of the care areas with the corresponding service rooms. This central location allows intensive use of the common areas always under the supervision of the staff, deliberately designed to be open and which connect the two residential groups together. Living rooms with retreat and relaxation areas alternate with open kitchens and common living / dining areas, guaranteeing residents usability for the whole day. Loggias and direct connections with the external area (demented garden) create a direct reference to the green of the surrounding landscape. Another goal is to create circular pathways within the building that encourage residents to connect with each other through bright and friendly movement zones, oriented towards the inner courtyard.

The morphology of the building’s ground floor is integrated with the level line of the ground that descends towards the south-west: the side rooms with the entire storage area, the staff changing rooms and the distribution kitchen are embedded in the slope on the side east, while the reception with the public areas and the administration are oriented south-west towards the square.